Thanks for checking out the Tommy demo! This demo is non-interactive and highlights some of the features of the full interactive Tommy product.
Viewing The Demo
Just double-click the "Tommy Demo" icon on the CD-ROM to view the demo.
Before you view the demo, we recommend you set your monitor to "Thousands" or "Millions" of colors if possible. You can set your monitor's color depth with a Control Panel named either "Monitors", "Sound & Displays", or "Monitors & Sound".
• 13" or larger color monitor set to 256 colors or more ("Thousands" or "Millions" of colors recommended)
If you don't have the required versions of the QuickTime and Sound Manager system software, you can install it by double-clicking the "Install system software" icon on the CD-ROM.
Does The Demo Movie Appear Choppy?
If the Tommy demo appears choppy, you can probably fix the problem by changing your system configuration. There are many factors that can make QuickTime movies choppy. Here are some things to try.
• If you run the "RAM Doubler" extension, disable it and restart.
• Quit other applications before you view the demo.
• You should have about 4500K free memory before you view the demo.
• Make sure File Sharing is off in the "Sharing Setup" Control Panel.
• In general, especially in low-memory situations, you may experience better playback if you disable the Extensions and Control Panels that consume memory. Use the "Extensions Manager" Control Panel to disable all Extensions and Control Panels except for the required CD-ROM driver (usually called "Apple CD-ROM"), the QuickTime extensions, and the Sound Manager extension. Then restart and try viewing the demo again.
• If all else fails, turn off Virtual Memory in the "Memory" Control Panel and restart.
Virtual Memory advice: Generally, if you have a 68K-based Macintosh computer, you should only use Virtual Memory as a last resort. It will probably slow down your computer and will cause skipping and jerkiness with audio and video playback. If you have to turn Virtual Memory on, keep the amount as low as possible -- if you have a machine with 8MB of RAM, for instance, you should try to set Virtual Memory to only 9MB. If that's not quite enough, set it to 10MB. You will experience lots of nasty slowdowns if your computer has to rely on Virtual Memory too much.
If you have a Power Macintosh, it's often a good idea to turn Virtual Memory on, even if you already have sufficient RAM. This is because on Power Macintosh computers, if you turn Virtual Memory on, applications will consume less of your computer's physical RAM. Be sure you set Virtual Memory as low as possible, though -- for instance, on a Power Macintosh with 16MB physical RAM, you should probably set Virtual Memory to only 17MB.
Registering Your Tommy Demo With MacPlay
To register your Tommy demo with MacPlay, please double-click the "Register Tommy Demo" application on the CD-ROM.
This will let you register Tommy electronically if you have a modem, so you won't have to mail in a registration card. If you don't have a modem, you can still print out the form and mail or fax it to us. Registering the game will let us notify you about any future upgrades, patches, or special offers, and you'll be signed up for "MacPlay Today", our newsletter full of news, tips and tricks, behind-the-scenes info about our entertainment software and games, and sneak peeks into our future releases.